OnDemand Video Streaming on our RTMP Server control panel

rtmp Ondemand Video Streaming

After you order on-demand streaming you will receive an email with the RTMP Server control panel URL, your username (your email), and a password. Log in to the control panel and click on  to go to the overview of your server:

Click on the image to see the full picture

your server overview will look like the image below.

There are a number of links on the right menu, configure, restart, stop, reporting, Build Playlist, File manager, and player links.

I suggest you don’t make any changes to the configuration, the important buttons are “File Manager” where you upload your video files, and “Build Playlist” where you create a playlist and access the 2 players we offering, a flash player and an HTML player.

Reporting will give you information on the videos seen, traffic, connections, and so on. On the top menu, there are some links that provide information on how many viewers you have online which countries and bandwidth used.

Click on File Manager to upload or drag your videos to the server. Videos must be in flv or mp4 format. You can use a FTP software to upload the videos, but the but click on the video and dragging it to the server is probably easier.

Now go back to the server overview and click on “Build Playlist”

Click on create a playlist,

enter your playlist name, ex. playlist1 and click “continue”

click on the videos and with the mouse move your available Media from the right to the left which will be your playlist.

When adding the videos you will see on the left the videos uploaded “Available Media” and you need to move the ones you want to the right “Build Your Playlist” some videos may have an exclamation mark, which means the bitrate on the video is higher than the allowed on your package, you better delete these videos from the server and convert them again with the correct bitrate.

Save the playlist and now you can click on the player links, you have 2 options, Flash Player and HTML Player, I suggest you use the HTML Player, nicer and it works on mobile devices also.

Html Player has 2 options, static and dynamic, static every time you add or change your playlist you will have to grab the code and paste it again on your site. the Dynamic player any changes you make on the playlist will show immediately on your site player.

and the flash player:

For further instructions on how to use our wowza control panel check the links below:

1- Live streaming

2- TV Station

3- Ondemand Streaming

4- IP Camera Re-Streaming

Ethiopia Hosting

Web design is a web development process that creates a website that has a good layout, graphic design, typography, user interface, etc to make it appealing to users and easy to use. Starting a business requires the implementation of the business plan but sustaining and maintaining requires tremendous efforts because at this stage the effectiveness and proficiency of the business plan and strategies in achieving the desired goal are put to test. Livin in a digital world, web design is an important part of the online marketing platforms and strategies that must be properly utilized to skyrocket your business to achieve your business goal. The importance of good web design to your business include

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  3. It represents your business in the online community.
  4. It makes your business more credible and reliable because of the opportunity to make an inquiry.
  5. It creates a good impression in the mind of your potential customers.
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Website is essential for sustainable growth of business but when poorly designed will not yield the desired result thus choosing an expert in web designing must be done with care to maximize utilization of time and money and prevent damage to your business because web design services vary in quality depending on the competency and experience of the expert hired. In need of high-quality web design at an affordable price, prove your seriousness by patronizing and buying the unprecedented and transcendent services of Ethiopia Web Hosting and Design company where customers expectations metamorphose into fruition.

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Ethiopia Web hosting and Design is a premier Web design company of notable standard that specializes in web design and hosting. We have twelve years of experience with magnificent achievement and remarkable success in web design and hosting. We have built an appreciable reputation for the creation of positive return on investment for our clients which we are not willing to stanch and relinquish. We have our first class servers in the USA and we partner with Hosting Marketers Inc, one of the main web hosts in the United States of America. Ethiopia web hosting is the leading provider of shared web hosting in Ethiopia. We have our main data center located in Chicago board of trading Building which is one of the world largest institutions equipped with infrastructures to provide:

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Our infrastructures are the state of the art to provide you with the best hosting services.

  • Ethiopia web design service

Web design is multi-facet discipline involving web graphic design, user interface design, typography, and standard code and Search Engine Optimization. We have competent and savvy personnel who tangle as a team to create a website that has these following features:

  1. Effective measures in meeting the target market and also made appropriate and suitable for the identified trend of the audience.
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  • Ethiopia Web Hosting service

Ethiopia web hosting provides individuals and organizations websites internet access via the world wide web. Our quality hosting services provide personal website creator, small businesses, developers and large institutions customers with various hosting services to meet their target market at competitive prices. The hosting packages have been carefully and well-formulated to provide web spaces, bandwidth, domain name, email addresses, file transfer protocol, techies support, server-side script, frontpage extensions, etc that are users goal replenishing, enhancing and supporting. The availability of website and downtime stated in our Service Level Agreement is duly comply to. We provide the buyer of hosting services with 24 hours a day 365 days a year of customer support desk – a staff to provide the solution to complains made not, thus accounting for our reputation as not just packs of huge bandwidth limit and webspace. The detail description of our hosting packages are as follow :

  1. Hosting one for 1500 birr / 51 dollar per year

Cpanel/softaculous, 5GB web space, file transfer 500GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, cloudflare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector, and free SSL certificate.

  1. Hosting two for 3200 birr / 108.8 dollar per year

Cpanel/softaculous, 10GB webspace, file transfer 1000GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate.

  1. Hosting three for 5200 birr/176.8 dollars per year

Cpanel/softaculous, 20 GB webspace, file transfer 2000GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate.

  1. Reseller one for 4800 birr/163.2 dollars per year

WHM/Cpanel/softaculous, unlimited Cpanel account, 10 GB webspace, file transfer 250 GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate for all your account.

  1. Reseller two for 9000 birr/306 dollars per year

WHM/Cpanel/softaculous, unlimited Cpanel account, 20 GB webspace, file transfer 500 GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate for all your account.

  1. Reseller three for 14500 birr/483 dollars per year

WHM/Cpanel/softaculous, unlimited Cpanel account, 30 GB webspace, file transfer 750 GB, unlimited domains/emails/databases, CloudFlare directly on Cpanel, PHP version selector and free SSL certificate for all your account.

  1. Server one for 2500 birr/85 dollar per month

Dual Quad-Core Xeon E5520, 200 GB hard disk, 8 GB RAM, 10 TB transfer ( 1 Gbps uplink), Cpanel/whm, 5 usable IP addresses, fully managed

  1. Server two for 5200 birr/176.8 dollars per month

Intel Xeon 4 Core, 2×500 GB hard disk, 16 GB RAM, 20 TB transfer ( 1 Gbps uplink), Cpanel/whm, 5 usable IP addresses, fully managed

  1. Server three for 7500 birr/255 dollars per month

Quad-core Xeon 5410, 2×120 GB SSD hard disk, 48 GB RAM, 30 TB transfer ( 1 Gbps uplink), Cpanel/whm, 5 usable IP addresses, fully managed

RTMP TO HLS Live Streaming

RTMP is ideal if you require low latency, though in recent years it has become outdated and as it is based on Flash, it may lack support within some browsers and devices.

Despite these disadvantages it is ideal to use RTMP as a transport stream, it can be transcoded into other formats such as HLS which can be distributed more easily.

HLS, originally developed by Apple is a very scalable and flexible protocol compared to RTMP. It is supported by a wide range of devices and browsers and it is fully compatible with our CDN, which can distribute it worldwide at a good latency.

HLS is supported on desktop browsers, smart TVs, and both Android and iOS mobile devices. HTML5 video players also natively support HLS, in comparison with HDS and RTMP. The HLS is the safest protocol today for scaling live streaming to larger audience.

Coming to the features, the HLS standard also supports adaptive bitrate streaming. The one major drawback is with the latency. The latency can be relatively high. But, there are methods for reducing HLS latency.

RTMP used to be the de facto standard for live streaming. Many CDNs offer delivery that scales to the masses. RTMP Server, however, does not take into consideration that broadcaster and viewers might have internet connections that aren’t always up to the task of transferring the stream at full speed. Smartphones and web browsers are also unable to play back RTMP natively; Browsers used to depend on a flash plugin for playback, which has been phased out over the last couple of years.

RTMP Pros:

1. The actual installation process of a Flash Media Server is simple, effective and appears to be trustworthy since the protocol was established 10 years back.

2. RTMP has an exceptional feature where it provides low latency while transmitting live broadcasts.

3. The protocol has the potentiality to transmit audio and video on any formats and rendition.

4. It also supported universally due to its effectiveness in implementing for live streaming.

RTMP Cons:

1. It does not have native support in iOS.

2. RTMP does not work in HTML5, it differs from the HTTP Protocol.

3. The security of delivering video is minimal.

HTTP Pros:

1. HLS is a pocket-friendly protocol which is Compatible on all the platforms and supports HTML5 video player.

2. Helps to stream to reach more viewers and also the safest protocol to scale up the content to a massive base audience.

3. The biggest advantage of HLS to RTMP is that it has the potentiality to deliver adaptive bitrate streaming where the quality of the content to be expected at a high pixel-rate.